
Press reports about Faksimile Verlag
![[Translate to Englisch:] Forum Magazin](/fileadmin/user_upload/fa_forum1.jpg)
The publishing director Charlotte Kramer heads the world's largest publishing group for facsimiles, the publishing house Müller&Schindler, the Faksimile Verlag and Eikon Editores. The interview with the magazine Forum can be found here.
Forum das Wochenmagazin, 07.01.2022
Book art: Pentecost in medieval pictures
At Pentecost, the apostles received the Holy Spirit and were sent out into the world to proclaim the message of Jesus to the people in every language. The event is an important subject in medieval book painting. Facsimiles enable people to leaf through precious books at home. On the day of Pentecost, the apostles in Jerusalem received the Holy Spirit and the miraculous gift of speaking about Jesus and his work in foreign languages that they had never learned.
weltkunst.de, 28.05.2020
![[Translate to Englisch:] Frankfurter Allg. Zeitung](/fileadmin/user_upload/fa_faksimile.png)
The heavenly white horse is whinnying
Virtual parchment: Modern technology can present ancient manuscripts so vividly that they will captivate young and old alike. Who hasn't caught themselves thinking recently that enforced isolation during a lockdown is in many ways like the life of a Carthusian monk or a nun in a convent cell? They would copy Bibles letter by letter in meditative concentration in their scriptoria (the writing rooms of old monasteries) and would add highly elaborate illuminations and initials, which often took a year or more. We are likewise currently slowing down in our living rooms at home and are at least spatially disconnected from our usual social environments.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 07.04.2020
![[Translate to Englisch:] Luxemburger Wort](/fileadmin/user_upload/luxemburger.jpg)
An exhibition of exquisite facsimile editions published by the Faksimile Verlag will be held at the Viander Hofburg until 18 July.
Luxemburger Wort, 14.06.2010
![[Translate to Englisch:] Frankfurter Allg. Zeitung](/fileadmin/user_upload/fa_faksimile.png)
The Sacramentary of Henry II, richly adorned with miniatures, ornamental pages, gold and silver initials and a finely chiselled ivory sculpture on its heavy cover, costs as much as a brand-new VW Golf. This masterpiece from the Faksimile Verlag of Munich is unlikely to become a bestseller, but most of this German market leader's editions [...] sold out long ago. [...] Facsimiles of the past clearly have a future. They help to preserve Western heritage, to make it scientifically accessible and to keep it available – so that an original now only needs to be handled if someone needs to investigate the materials it is composed of. Lascaux II is to cave art what the facsimile is to book illumination: In both cases, a replica conserves and protects the fragile cultural asset that it derives from.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 03.12.2011
![[Translate to Englisch:] The Art of culture](/fileadmin/user_upload/theartofculture.jpg)
This facsimile edition of the Sacramentary of Henry II is therefore not just a magnificent artistic work. The accompanying scholarly reappraisal also offers highly interesting insights into the political conditions of the time, with strong parallels to the media's use of images up to the present day.
theartofculture.com. October 2010
![[Translate to Englisch:] BR-Logo](/fileadmin/user_upload/br.jpg)
Rolf Griebel, Director General of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, called the Sacramentary of Henry II an “outstanding cultural treasure of European rank”. He said that it was necessary to “safeguard its irretrievable substance and quality for the next generation”. According to Mr Griebel, the “excellent, original-looking facsimile edition” meets “the very highest standards”.
br-online.de, 02.11.2010
![[Translate to Englisch:] dpa Logo](/fileadmin/user_upload/dpa.jpg)
Mr Fabian, an expert on manuscripts, explained that a faithful reproduction of the Sacramentary has great advantages. He says that, due to concerns about conservation, it is virtually impossible to examine the original. "With the facsimile, you can browse or go into detail. And you won't damage the original."
dpa, 02.11.2010
![[Translate to Englisch:] EO-Bamberg](/fileadmin/user_upload/eo-bamberg.jpg)
The Archbishop of Bamberg already had an opportunity to study the facsimile and was very impressed with the quality of the reproduction.
eo-bamberg.de, 04.11.2010
![[Translate to Englisch:] Saale Zeitung](/fileadmin/user_upload/saalezeitung.jpg)
A literal translation from Latin ("Do it similarly!") fails to adequately describe a facsimile's role, especially in the case of historically important documents. This is all the more true of a facsimile edition of the Sacramentary of Henry II, which was produced over a period of five years following decades of preparatory work. Faksimile Verlag of Munich is now presenting its faithful reproduction of this manuscript, which is one of the most famous imperial manuscripts in Germany and is held in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.
Saale Zeitung, 06.11.2010
![[Translate to Englisch:] inforadio](/fileadmin/user_upload/inforadio.jpg)
Faksimile Verlag of Lucerne has facsimiled the Sacramentary in its usual excellent manner.
Inforadio.de, 24.10.2011
![[Translate to Englisch:] B5 Aktuell](/fileadmin/user_upload/b5aktuell.jpg)
Another form of facsimile, however, is still flourishing, although mostly in obscurity – faithfully reproducing medieval manuscripts. Just in time for the pre-Christmas season, Faksimile Verlag of Munich has now published a selection of the most important and beautiful pages from the Bible that the Vatican Library holds.
b5 aktuell, 21.11.2011
![[Translate to Englisch:] Münchner Abendzeitung](/fileadmin/user_upload/muenchner_abendzeitung.jpg)
It doesn't get more lavish than this. A Munich publishing house has made a facsimile of the legendary Coronation Gospel Book of the Holy Roman Empire [...] Faksimile Verlag of Munich, which is part of the Bertelsmann Group, specialises in this sort of high-quality reproduction in the field of medieval and early modern illuminated manuscripts. If you include its beginnings in Lucerne, this company has been in this highly specialised business for almost forty years – but the Coronation Gospel Book represents the height of its achievements.
Münchner Abendzeitung, 29.12.2012
![[Translate to Englisch:] Art Kunstmagazin Logo](/fileadmin/user_upload/art_kunstmagazin.jpg)
The Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna is for the first time offering the opportunity to admire the Gospel Book as well as its magnificent cover – in a masterly copy produced by Faksimile Verlag of Munich that matches the original down to its smallest detail.
art, April 2013
![[Translate to Englisch:] business Lounge](/fileadmin/user_upload/BUSINESS-LOUNGE.jpg)
Faksimile Verlag of Munich, which specialises in precious editions, has now presented a facsimile edition of one of the most beautiful manuscripts that dates from the period called the Carolingian Renaissance. The most famous book of the Middle Ages, the Coronation Gospel Book of the Holy Roman Empire. [...] This facsimile edition of the Coronation Gospel Book, which is complete and faithful to the original, can now be consulted for research purposes in place of the original. This will allow an almost authentic experience of the manuscript while providing the greatest possible protection of the fragile original. It can be purchased in a limited edition of 333 hand-numbered copies.
Business Lounge, April/May 2013
![[Translate to Englisch:] Aachener Zeitung](/fileadmin/user_upload/aachener-zeitung.jpg)
If you stand in front of it, you will be awestruck. If you leaf through it, you will feel that Charlemagne's aura is suddenly within your grasp. The city of Aachen has gained a new exhibit. Faksimile Verlag of Munich has donated a copy of Charlemagne's Coronation Gospel Book to the city.
Aachener Zeitung, 15.06.2013