Customer information about facsimiles
DOMI exclusiv / Müller & Schindler Verlag / Faksimile Verlag
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What is a facsimile?
A facsimile is the most faithful reproduction possible of precious documents from our history and culture. These are kept in museums around the world, mostly in the form of illuminated manuscripts.
Why a facsimile?
For reasons of conservation, it is these days rarely possible even for proven researchers to view masterpieces of book art without restriction. This is because manuscripts or pictures are exposed to decay as they were produced 1,000 or 2,000 years ago, sometimes even earlier, and with materials that were available at the time. Even high-quality paper that has been produced in accordance with modern standards will not last forever under environmental factors such as light, dryness, humidity and smoke. The only way to preserve these extraordinary documents is to keep them in climate chambers.
Today, however, perfect facsimile editions make the highlights of centuries-old art accessible to scholars, collectors and bibliophiles alike. A facsimile fully replaces the original for some areas of research and bibliophilia.
It sometimes takes several years of preparatory work, combined with a supply of sufficient capital for production, to successfully reproduce a work. Limiting the edition makes the product both worthy and valuable.
What is the cost and value of a facsimile?
The size of an edition is closely related to the cultural and historical significance of the relevant object, and we agree it in advance with the museum concerned. Each facsimile edition protects a cultural asset and allows it to be studied, so that we can have a deep look into the history of our Western culture. The goals of facsimile production are preservation, exploration, protection and faithful documentation.
The value performance of "limited" and "out-of-print" facsimiles is subject to similar factors as the art market. Supply and demand determine the price. We therefore expressly disclaim any guarantee that our facsimiles will retain their value or will increase in value.
Your purchase of the product and any associated expansion of a collection should not be for the purpose of reselling a collection or individual editions from Müller & Schindler, DOMI exclusiv and/or Faksimile Verlag. Neither DOMI exclusiv GmbH nor any of its sales representatives makes any assurances in this regard.
We expressly disclaim any connection between DOMI exclusiv GmbH and competitors such as InmediaONE GmbH, Gütersloh or other facsimile distributors such as CORON Exclusiv.